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The Award Ceremony of Knowledge Contest of QS in Quality Year

Publication date :2016-07-02 11:00

Author:Rocket Electronics

Views :13187

    Company’s Labor Union, Youth League Committee and Quality Team of each Workshop co-organized a QS knowledge contest during April to May in 2016. And the Award Ceremony was held on June 7 in the afternoon in multi-function hall.

   There were 625 participants and the top 8% of them in each department gained the Award of Excellence, the total number of prize-winners is 51. Vice General Manager: Zhang Shun, Zhang Guoguang, Labor Union Chairman: Li Yongxin, General Office Director: Zeng Sihong and some leaders attended the ceremony.

Below are the splendid moments of prize-winners:

Prize-winners of No. 1 Workshop

 Prize-winners of No. 2 Workshop

Prize-winners of No. 3 Workshop

 Prize-winners of LED Workshop

Prize-winners of QC Workshop

Li Aimin won the prize from No. 1 Workshop, as a representative gave his personal testimonies.


    Vice General Manager: Zhang Shun, Zhang Guoguang gave separate instructions and expressed high hopes to all winners at last. They hope that we can apply the knowledge of the competition in the actual production.


Thank you for your attention!


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