


Domestic professional research and development manufacturer of semiconductor devices

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NPN 200 700 30 25 5 0.6 700 70 1 100 110 400 170* SOT-23
NPN 200 100 60 50 7 0.5 100 10 10 2 160 460 150* SOT-23
NPN 200 500 30 25 5 0.6 300 30 10 150 85 340 200* SOT-23
NPN 200 500 60 50 5 0.6 300 30 10 150 85 340 200* SOT-23
NPN 300 1500 40 25 6 0.5 800 80 1 100 85 300 100 SOT-23
NPN 300 1500 40 25 6 0.5 800 80 1 100 85 300 100 SOT-23
NPN 310 30 50 30 5 0.3 10 1 5 1 28 198 150 SOT-23
NPN 300 500 40 20 5 0.6 500 50 1 50 64 202 - SOT-23
NPN 200 100 50 45 5 0.3 100 5 5 1 60 1000 150 SOT-23
NPN 200 100 50 45 5 0.3 100 5 5 1 60 1000 150 SOT-23
NPN 310 50 30 15 5 0.5 10 1 5 1 28 198 700 SOT-23
NPN 310 50 30 15 5 0.5 10 1 5 1 28 198 700 SOT-23
NPN 300 800 50 45 5 0.7 500 50 1 100 100 600 100* SOT-23
NPN 250 500 50 45 5 0.7 500 50 1 100 100 600 100 SOT-23
NPN 350 100 80 65 6 0.6 100 5 5 2 110 450 300* SOT-23
NPN 350 100 80 65 6 0.6 100 5 5 2 110 450 300* SOT-23
NPN 350 100 50 45 6 0.6 100 5 5 2 110 800 300* SOT-23
NPN 350 100 30 30 5 0.6 100 5 5 2 110 800 300* SOT-23
NPN 330 800 75 45 5 0.3 100 10 1 100 100 630 100 SOT-23
NPN 350 200 45 45 5 0.55 50 1.25 5 2 380 630 125 SOT-23
Total: 960 Page 3/48 Prev Next 12345 Next 5 Last
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